In a world with many competing stories, there is one story with the power to save. It’s
the heart gripping and glory falling story of Jesus; the tale of his life, death, and
resurrection that reconciles all things to God and sets eternity on a trajectory to a new
heavens and new earth.
Yet, for some, the story has become familiar; just another story among many. What
used to bring us to our knees in awe, doesn’t anymore. This Easter, we want to see that change as we follow Jesus on the road to resurrection and immerse ourselves in the wonder of what he has done for us.
March 23, 2025
Flipping Tables in God’s House
Matthew 21:12-17
David Morelli
God has a vision for his house and he is zealous to see it lived out. So what happens
when God’s people stray from that vision? God comes and he flips tables.
March 16, 2025
A Kingdom of Risk, Repentance, and Donkeys
Matthew 21:1-11
Nathan Archer
The Kingdom that Jesus established was and is his central work. It's a key reason why the Gospel authors could not write of Jesus without including the Triumphal Entry. So does this story get such little airtime today?
March 9, 2025
Matthew 17:1-13
David Morelli
What is God up to when he takes a hike and spends some time at the top of a mountain with three of his followers? To give his followers and experience untold glory on the other side of suffering and death.
March 2, 2025
Lose It To Find It
Matthew 16:21-28
David Morelli
How do you move beyond familiarity and being lukewarm to the things of God? The
answer Jesus gives may surprise you.