media sunday teaching series

They are the people we read about in the pages of the Bible; the well-known slayers of giants and the lesser known individuals who helped move the story of God forward. Each one has a story to tell and something to teach us about living a life with God.

This summer, hear from our team as they explore the people and stories that have impacted their lives and shaped their journey with Jesus.

september 1, 2024 

Acts 8: 4-13; 26-40
Rushia Klassen

Philip was intentional and walked closely with God, listening and responding to the call of the Holy Spirit on his life. He preached the word of God and scattered seeds of the gospel wherever he went. In Acts he is referred to as the evangelist. 

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aUGUST 25, 2024 

Luke 7:36-50
Lyndon Plett

Have you ever had a debt canceled? How did it affect you?  How did you respond? But what if you didn't know you had a debt?

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aUGUST 18, 2024 

Luke 2:36-38
David Morelli

Anna is a little known person in the story of God, yet the impact and importance of her life extends far beyond the three verses dedicated to her in the Bible. Her story helps us answer the question: how do you wait on God when you’re desperate for him to act and you live in a culture of immediacy?

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aUGUST 11, 2024 

John 21:1-19
Wes Braun

The life of Simon Peter is a story of flaws, repentance and restoration. His life shows us that Jesus is a God who restores our deepest darkest nights so that his grace in our story can be a bright light to the world around us.

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aUGUST 4, 2024 

Esther 2:5-11
Lorelle Harper 

We live in a time and place focused on getting views and likes, focused on the external rather than the internal. So what can we learn from Mordecai, a man without immense fame or status? Mordecai’s compassion, humility, and faith transcend that, reminding us how to love God and others from behind-the-scenes no matter the cost.

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July 28, 2024 

1 Corinthians 9
Rod Adrian 

Barnabas is known as the “Son of Encouragement”, but what did that mean, and what can we learn from him? Today we’re going to look at Barnabas’ life and what it truly means to encourage others. 

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July 21, 2024 

1 Kings 1-11
Greg Harris (Guest Speaker) 

In the Portraits sermon series, most of the messages will look at Scripture characters that resonate with the speaker. In this week's teaching, the guest preacher takes a slightly different approach by working through excerpts from 1 Kings 1-11 to explore the life of Solomon. This well-known King is the son of David, the project-manager for the construction of the Temple, and the prolific author of wisdom literature in the Old Testament... so what went wrong? Why is Solomon a warning story, and how does is story apply to Christians today?  

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July 14, 2024 

Philippians 3:1-11
Nathan Archer

Identity and happiness are two of our culture's greatest obsessions. 2,000 years ago, the same was true for the Apostle Paul. His insight reverberates across the centuries in ways that are astonishingly applicable today.

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July 7, 2024 

Daniel 3 
Lyndon Plett 

Life in exile can be incredibly difficult.  It is costly and it can easily shake one's faith in God.  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were somehow able to hold firmly to their convictions and dedicate themselves to the "God who is Able", even in the face of almost certain death.  How did they do it?

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June 30, 2024 

1 Chronicles 13:1-6
David Morelli  

David was a shepherd of sheep, a slayer of Goliath, a warrior poet, and Israel’s most famous king. While he is best known for this, it was his heart for God that set him apart and captured God’s attention. In this teaching we examine a little known story from David’s life and explore what it teaches us about being the church and living a life with God.

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