media sunday teaching series

JULY 2, 2023


Speaker: Larry Bieber

In this dramatic conclusion to the book of Exodus we see the fiery cloud of God's presence coming down onto the newly constructed tent of meeting, there to stay permanently with His people and lead through to wilderness for the next 40 years.  We examine the events that led up to this dramatic development, and learn what that teaches us about our experience as Jesus followers today.  

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JUNE 25, 2023

Exodus 33:21-34:35

Speaker: Nathan Archer

Prayer is one of the few remaining ways that people know how to connect with God today. Still, we struggle with it. Exodus 34 provides us with a helpful framework for prayer.

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JUNE 18, 2023

Exodus 33:1-18

Speaker: Nathan Archer

The Canadian Dream: everything in the world without God himself. Israel recognizes this as a disaster. How do we respond? Exodus 33 holds the answer. Take off the ornaments, get face to face, and pray what you know.

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JUNE 11, 2023

Exodus 32

Speaker: Rod Adrian

We are all faced with the opportunity to make choices in life, and how we respond while making good or bad choices has consequences. In today’s message we are going to look at the choices the people of Israel made when their leader, Moses, left them and the consequences of their choices.

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June 4, 2023

EXODUS // Sabbath


Guest Speaker: Ryan Guerra

In a world driven by the desire for more and more, we find amazing news in a God who doesn’t demand more from us. In fact, he often invites us into less. As we conclude the Sinai discourse (Exodus 20-31), we lean into the rest that God offers to those who trust him.

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EXODUS // The Call of God


Speaker: Rod Adrian

The culmination of the Lord’s instructions to Moses to build the Tabernacle, reveals the call of God and the empowering of the Holy Spirit for the first time in Scripture. On this Pentecost Sunday, we will study the Holy Spirit’s call of our own lives. Will you answer?

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May 21, 2023

EXODUS // Meeting Place


Speaker: David Morelli

Deep within every human is a longing for a home we had but lost. Why’s it there? What does it point us to? And how do we find that home again? In this message from Exodus 25, we see that the answer lies in something called the tabernacle.

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May 14, 2023

This week's message is a special message called "Human Identity and Disability" presented by our guest speaker Greg Harris. You can find the message here.

May 7, 2023

EXODUS // Ten Commandments


Speaker: David Morelli

The 10 Commandments are crucial to understanding God and what it means to be his people in the world. Yet, they often get overlooked or dismissed because they’re viewed as nothing more than a list of do’s and don’ts. In this message from Exodus 20, we’re going to find out that’s not what they are, but something so much more. 

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APRIL 30, 2023

EXODUS // Obey the God Who Saves


Guest Speaker: Levi Friesen

Following God by obeying his ways is a central part of the Christian life, but we often approach obedience in ways that make it into a burden that it was never intended to be. In Exodus 19 we see God lay out for us what we need to remember as we walk forward in obedience.

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APRIL 23, 2023

EXODUS // Altars and Arm Holders


Speaker: David Morelli

Life sometimes feels like a battle; constantly fighting against one thing or another. Trying to fight it on your own will leave you exhausted and discouraged. But what if you tried fighting a different way? In this next teaching in our Exodus series, we find out what that way is. 

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APRIL 16, 2023

EXODUS // Bread and Water

Exodus 15:22-16:35

Speaker: David Morelli

Part two of our Exodus series begins in the wilderness with God’s people facing new
challenges. In those challenges, God shows his people who he is and why they can
trust him.

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Find April 2 & 9 "The New Exodus" [easter series] messages here.

March 26, 2023

EXODUS // Our Heart's Song

Exodus 15:1-21

Speaker: Rushia Klassen

The Israelites' song is an encouragement to us. Their expression is a response to God who provides freedom, demonstrates his power and increases their trust in him. Let's declare that Yahweh is our deliverer, warrior, and the one we exalt.

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March 19, 2023

EXODUS // The Red Sea

Exodus 13:17-14:31

Speaker: David Morelli

Before the Cross and the Empty Tomb, there was the Exodus. In Exodus 14 we see the
crowning moment of this great event as we join the people of God on the shores of the
Red Sea.

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March 12, 2023

EXODUS // Leaving Egypt

Exodus 12:31-42

Speaker: David Morelli

The Exodus is more than an event, it’s an invitation into a better story.

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March 5, 2023

EXODUS // Passover

Exodus 11:1-12:28

Speaker: Nathan Archer

With competing schedules, family tension, and relational isolation, meals often feel like warzones. What if that's because they simply are war zones? Hear how the Passover becomes a paradigm for God's people to "go to war." 

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February 26, 2023

EXODUS // The Plagues

Exodus 7-12

Speaker: Nathan Archer

Despite our reticence, the authors of the Bible frequently portray God's judgment as something that creation needs. How can this be possible? The answer may lie in the story of the plagues, Scripture's foundational text on judgment.

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February 12, 2023

EXODUS // Discouragement and Hope

Exodus 5:1-6:12

Speaker: David Morelli

What do you do when discouragement sets in, and hope seems to be lost? In Exodus 5
and 6, we see God give Moses a pathway to hope, even in great difficulty.

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February 5, 2023

EXODUS // Return to Egypt

Exodus 4:18-31

Speaker: David Morelli

Worship is the human response to a holy God and the end goal of our rescue. Come
and see this reality as we continue our journey in Exodus with Moses’ return to Egypt.

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JANUARY 29, 2023

EXODUS // Holy Ground Pt. 2

Exodus 3:11-4:17

Speaker: David Morelli

When a holy God invites us to join him in what he wants to do in the world, it isn’t
always easy. In fact, we can often do what Moses did: resist God. In this message, we
get a first-hand look at this reality as Moses wrestles with God.

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JANUARY 22, 2023

EXODUS // Holy Ground

Exodus 3:1-10

Speaker: David Morelli

In Exodus 3, the main character of the story comes out from behind the scenes and
takes centre stage. As he does, the question is: who is this God? In this message we’ll
see God himself answer that for us.

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EXODUS // Moses

Exodus 2:1-25

Guest Speaker: Randy Friesen

God has a plan to answer the pain of the world and his plan includes people like you and me; and people like Moses. 

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JANUARY 8, 2023

EXODUS // Egypt

Exodus 1:1-22

David Morelli

The Book of Exodus is known for God’s rescue of his people. But before there is
rescue, there the reality of life in Egypt. And in Egypt, we sometimes have to look for
God a little bit harder to find hope in the midst of hardship.

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