February 16, 2025
"Why Slay a Giant?"
1 Samuel 17:1-52
Lyndon Plett
Sometimes Bible stories become too familiar. It is easy to approach them like an old married couple, finishing each other's sentences because they have heard it all before. David and Goliath is that kind of story. Perhaps it's time to approach this classic story with fresh eyes, asking the Lord, "Is there anything I have missed?"
December 29, 2024
Making Everything New
Revelation 4:1-11
Rod Adrian
We're going to take a deep dive into the revelation that John experienced when approaching the throne of God. This will broaden our understanding of Heaven, God, and the plan that God has to make everything new.
November 10, 2024
"Omni" What?
Psalm 139:1-18
Lyndon Plett
June 23, 2024
The Inconvenient Life
Matthew 19:16-22
David Morelli
June 16, 2024
We The Few
Matthew 9:35-38
Andre Lesur
April 7, 2024
The Gate of Life
Matthew 7:13-15
Anne Miranda
The parable of the narrow and wide gate is a familiar one to many who call themselves believers. There is an invitation to step through one gate or the other and the result has eternal consequences. What could it, would it, should it look like in our lives if we bent our hearts more towards heaven and surrendered all for Jesus. The bottom line is you matter to God, and He will pursue you relentlessly.
February 18, 2024
The Parable of... The Muffin?
1 Corinthians 12:12, Colossians 3:12-14, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Lyndon Plett
Jesus taught many things using simple images and everyday objects. What can we learn from a chocolate chip muffin?
January 14, 2024
John 15:1-8
Guest Speaker: Elita Friesen
In John 15, Jesus teaches us that we are to abide in him. But for many of us the question might be how? How are we to remain attached to Jesus no matter what life throws at us? In John 15, Jesus paints a stunning picture of how (and why!) we are to abide in Christ.
October 8, 2023
Special Service -- Thanksgiving Sunday
May 14, 2023
Human Identity and Disability
Guest Speaker: Greg Harris
One of the non-negotiable truths of Christianity is the inestimable value of human life. We believe that every single human being is made as the image of God. While we believe that to be true, we don't always live in light of that truth in our everyday lives, especially when it comes to how we think about and engage in the area of disabilities. This message helps provide a framework for thinking about the topic of human identity, disability, and why it matters for the life of the local church.
FAMILY SERVICE (family day weekend) - February 19, 2023
Let's Race
Hebrews 1`2, 1 Corinthians 9
Rod Adrian
We are all in the race of life together and God's Word gives us some clear instructions on how we can be successful until we reach the finish line. Let's race together with purpose, hope, and endurance. But wait, there's more...
David Morelli Candidating Sunday - November 28, 2022
Home for the Hurting
Matthew 9:9-13
David Morelli
When Jesus came, he knew who he came for and what he wanted the church to be like. In this message from Matthew 9, Jesus shares his heart and his vision for both.
"Great God. Great Cause."
Acts 13:1-3
David Morelli
We have a great God and a great cause. Let’s celebrate that together on Thanksgiving Sunday.
EASTER SUNDAY - April 17, 2022
"Reason To Believe"
If you are open to the possibility of miracle, the resurrection becomes logically compelling and changes everything.
GOOD FRIDAY - APril 15, 2022
"Why Is This Good?"
When it looks the darkest, sometimes God is doing his greatest work.
JANUARY 9, 2022
Flight Path
As we embark on the runway of a new year, all of our plans are charted along a specific trajectory to arrive at a purposeful destination. What is it for us as a church and why does it matter?
JANUARY 2, 2022
Words to Live By
New Year Edition
September 19, 2021
Abiding 168
Tim Klassen
1 John 15:5-15
God invites us into a joy filled, fruitful relationship whereby he is part of everything in our lives.
April 18, 2021
God in our Past, Present and Future
Tim Klassen
Exodus 15-16:3, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, 1 Peter 4:12, Hebrews 10:23-25
Past, present, future … God’s people will encounter difficulty. This does not expose a God who is faithless, but reveals a God who is faithful and worthy of our wholehearted trust and endurance.
April 4, 2021 // Easter Sunday
The Hope of Easter Sunday
Tim Klassen
1 Corinthians 15
What if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead? What if the resurrection didn’t happen?
NOvember 8, 2020
The Gospel and The Unborn Child
Tim Klassen
Genesis 1:27-31, Luke 1:28-33
The perspectives of science, philosophy and scripture converge to speak about the sacred worth of the unborn child; image bearer of God.
November 1, 2020
Am I Really OK?
A talk about rest and resilience
Jesse Wilson
Matthew 11:28-30
How are you really feeling? It is easy to find ourselves emotionally exhausted, psychologically overworked, spiritually malnourished and completely overwhelmed. How can we strengthen ourselves?
March 15, 2020
COVID-19: From Fear to Faith
God in the equation makes it rational and right to move from worry to trust.
Tim Klassen
June 16, 2019
Father's Day
Practical Wisdom
Gina Balzer
Honouring our heavenly Father and encouraging dads with practical wisdom from Proverbs.
May 12, 2019
Mother's Day
Tribute to My Godly Mother
John Balzer
April 28, 2019
Compassion Sunday
Guest Speaker: Shaun Groves
Exodus 16, Galatians 2:10, 2 Corinthians 8:13-15
Everything we have is manna from heaven. When, with grateful hearts, we take only what we need and make the rest available to God, everyone will have enough. Everyone will taste and see that God is good and can be trusted.
December 30, 2018
Making Room for God
Speaker: Tim Klassen
When we make room for him we make room for the rest he intends and the rest we long for.
July 8, 2018
His Love Changes Lives
Speaker: Ricky Sanchez
Colossians 3: 1-17
Paul's love for Christ gave him the strength to endure prison and ultimately death for the sake of the Gospel. Ricky shares updates from lives transformed by the love of Jesus from Thailand and call us as his church to go out from here and love each other, looking for the 'mission field' God has given us right here in Abbotsford.
JANUARY 15, 2017
How Worshipers Defeat Giants
Speaker: Nasser
1 Samuel 17:19-54
In 1 Samuel 17, we find a familiar story that should encourage all of us to go deeper in worship as we face the giants of this life. For it is in presence and character of our Lord that we will ultimately find our victory.
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January 1, 2017
When Light Shines
Isaiah 58
Speaker: Tim Klassen
God is compassionate and cares for His people, especially those that are disadvantaged. With correction and promise, God brings to light His desire for us to exercise justice and hospitality. As we let our light shine in caring for others and especially those who are vulnerable, God promises a bright future.
DECEMBER 11, 2016
A Challenging Birth
Speaker: Randy Friesen
First births can be a bit challenging, and Mary’s was no different. What was born that first Christmas Day might surprise you and change how you celebrate this Christmas!