ministries seniors

The 60+ adults at Central Heights know that the call of God doesn’t end in the later stages of life. There is always precious time to leverage our relationships and resources in order to see more and growing followers of Jesus.


The prayers of God’s people are instrumental in seeing the movement of the Holy Spirit. As a church we want to devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful (Col. 4:2). There are several ways to invest in the essential rhythms we have at Central Heights. Find more at

Care And Compassion

We are called as a church family to take care of one another. For those who are in care homes, we have a team of volunteers who keep in touch and provide encouragement and support. As well, we encourage the first line of care to happen through our community groups. But as staff and elders, we want to be aware and also come alongside during times of crisis or discouragement. In order for us to do this effectively, we encourage you to help us be aware when these times come so we can care for and pray for you. 

Living Hope Fellowship

Join us for singing, sharing, encouragement and fellowship.

Upcoming dates: April 13, June 8, September 14, November 9, December 14.

We gather in Nikkel Hall from 4-6pm. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.


Many of our seniors contribute to the flourishing of our city and the health of our church in everything from our Car Ministry to our Kids Ministry. Find opportunities by completing a connect form or visit or 

Legacy Fund

Your investment in the future of Central Heights Church can be realized through our Legacy Fund. To find out more information click here:


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