April 22, 2018
Kingdom Perfected: The Epic Ending
Speaker: Tim Klassen
Revelation 21 & 22
We can hardly imagine what God has in store for us as this chapter of the Kingdom Story ends and a new one begins.
April 15, 2018
Celebration Sunday - The Kingdom Proclaimed: The Story Goes Viral
Speaker: Tim Klassen
The Kingdom of God is here! … but not yet, not fully. In the meantime we have a story to live and a story to tell.
April 8, 2018
Commitment Sunday - Building for More
Speaker: Tim Klassen
Matthew 16:13-20
Jesus builds, commissions and empowers his church.
April 1, 2018 - Easter Sunday
Kingdom Present: Life, Death, Resurrection
Speaker: Tim Klassen
Luke 24:13-27
Historical, scriptural, personal. The resurrection of Jesus is all these and when believed, he transforms our lives.
March 30, 2018 - Good Friday
Kingdom Present: Life, Death
Speaker: Tim Klassen
Mark 8:27-31
The coming King is also the Suffering Servant.
March 25, 2018
Kingdom Present: Life
Speaker: Cam Broad
Matthew 1, 4-7
The King has come to give us life, where his kingdom is manifested on earth as it is in heaven.
March 18, 2018
Kingdom Prophesied: Warning, Encouragement, Hope
Speaker: Tim Klassen
The prophets are preparing us to long for Jesus and everyone who has this hope lives differently.
March 11, 2018
Kingdom Partial: God’s Enduring Mission
Speaker: Jesse Wilson
Genesis 12 - 2 Kings 25
In Israel’s history we are given partial snapshots of God’s coming perfect rule and complete rescue.
March 4, 2018
Kingdom Promised: Trending Towards Hope
Speaker: Tim Klassen
Genesis 12
God is committed to bless and rescue the world.
February 25, 2018
Kingdom Perished: The Story Takes a Turn
Speaker: Tim Klassen
Genesis 3
Rejecting God’s rule leads to big pain needing a big solution.
February 18, 2018
Kingdom Pattern: Right from the Start
Speaker: Tim Klassen
Genesis 1&2
As the King Creator, God shows that he is good and that we have incredible value and purpose.