The Gospel of Luke
In this ancient biography, we encounter how Jesus fulfilled God's plan of salvation by coming to save all people who are lost in their sins. In historically detailing who Jesus is and what he did on earth as fully God and fully man, Luke gives us insight into how the Holy Spirit is at work in God's mission. In a world where questions abound about what is true and relevant, this New Testament book reminds us we can have confidence in the life and teaching of Jesus.
APRIl 11, 2021
Can You See?
David Morelli
Luke 24:13-35
The empty tomb is both confusing and amazing. Thankfully, Jesus is willing to journey with us to help us see both its truth and significance.
March 28, 2021
Impressive Entrance
Jesse Wilson
Luke 19:28-48
In a dramatic sequence of scenes from Luke’s gospel, we’re confronted about what we really think about when we think about Jesus.
March 21, 2021
What is God Like?
Jesse Wilson
Luke 15:1-32
What Jesus does shows us who God is. In one of the most important and foundational chapters in the Bible we are invited to understand and experience a God who lovingly seeks to save people and bring them back to where they belong.
March 14, 2021
Planning To Be Ready
Tim Klassen
Luke 12:35-48, 13:22-30
How you live for the second coming impacts every day of your eternity.
March 7, 2021
Jesus on Anxiety
Tim Klassen
Luke 12:13-34
Jesus invites us to look at life differently opening the door to the kind of life that lives free from worry.
FEBRUARY 28, 2021
This is Prayer
Jesse Wilson
Luke 11:1-13
Why is prayer important? How do I do it? What even is it? Why should I have to pray more than once? There are so many questions around such a big part of Christianity. What Jesus teaches us is that what we experience in life can change because of who we can pray to.
FEBRUARY 21, 2021
Won't You Be My Neighbour?
Lyndon Plett
Luke 10:25-37
It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood! But the question is, "Who is my neighbour?"
FEBRUARY 14, 2021
Following the Glorious Christ
Tim Klassen
Luke 9:18-36
Nothing will shake and shape you like getting a greater glimpse into the glory of Jesus.
FEBRUARY 7, 2021
The Long Journey
David Morelli
Luke 8:1-15
The space between where you are now and the person you want to become, is the space where Jesus does his greatest work.
January 31, 2021
The Heart of the Matter
Nathan Archer
Luke 6:20-49
Today, the 2000-year-old words of Jesus often feel too familiar to elicit any significant response. But if we are able to remove our cultural numbness, perhaps this ancient wisdom will continue to offer transformation, even now.
January 24, 2021
Following Jesus: The Calling and the Cost
Tim Klassen
Luke 5:1-11,27-32
The intention of Jesus is to multiply his mission in those who believe. This demands a cost on our part but that is both necessary and joy filled in light of who calls us and what we are called into.
January 17, 2021
When God Shows Up
Tim Klassen
Luke 4:14-21,31-41
Jesus' mission is amazing both to receive from and to participate in.
January 10, 2021
Into the Wild
Jesse Wilson
Luke 4:1-13
Each of us want to be understood and have moments/relationships where people really “get us” and know what we’re feeling. Christianity claims that we can put ourselves in position to experience God, because God put himself in a position to be one of us.
January 3, 2021
An Old Word For A New Year
Jesse Wilson
Luke 3:1-20
If God were building something big, what would it take to experience it? In part 8 of our series in the Gospel of Luke, we look at the potential power and joy of “repentance.”
December 27, 2020
Positioned For Encounter
Tim Klassen
Luke 2:22-38
What does it look like to position ourselves to encounter God? These people didn't miss their moment.
December 20, 2020
Overwhelmed by Christmas
Jesse Wilson
Luke 2:1-21
Is there something from this ancient story that should be taken seriously this Christmas season? The Bible gives us a record of a surprising and dynamic moment in human history that, like an artistic masterpiece, is something to fully know and deeply love here and now.
December 13, 2020
The Big Shift
Tim Klassen
Luke 1:57-80
God's working in history has often required a shift in those who are called to participate in what he is doing.
December 6, 2020
The Overflow of One's Heart - Mary's Song
Rushia Klassen
Luke 1:39-56 is a story of faith, God's favour and faithfulness expressed in Mary's Song. Mary's song is full of adoration and truth of God's character, her understanding of how he sees her and her response. It is an encouragement for all people who know and serve God.
November 29, 2020
The Space Between
David Morelli
Luke 1:26-38
In the waiting, we can trust in the unrivalled ability of our God to come through.
November 22, 2020
When Things Go Wrong For The Righteous
Tim Klassen
Luke 1:5-25
What does it say about God when his followers experience difficulty and disappointment?
November 15, 2020
Hold On To This
Jesse Wilson
Luke 1:1-4
Is the story of Jesus true? Does this ancient story matter today? The tone and purpose of Luke’s gospel encourages us to embrace the invitation to have the story of Jesus shape our story today.