NOVEMBER 3, 2019
A Greater Glory
Tim Klassen
Exodus 34:29-35, 2 Corinthians 3
God's revelation and covenant in the Old, helps us to see the magnificence of the New.
OCTOBER 27, 2019
The Only Response
David Morelli
Exodus 34:8-28
When you come face to face with an awesome God, worship is the only response that makes any sense.
OCTober 20, 2019
Awed By His Judgment
Tim Klassen
Exodus 34:6-7
A full revelation of God includes the reality that God's judgment is an expression of his goodness.
October 13, 2019
Awed By His Forgiveness
Jesse Wilson
Exodus 34:7
God's act of forgiving is our greatest reason for thanksgiving.
October 6, 2019
Awed By His Love
Tim Klassen
Exodus 34:6-7
The best news ever is that "God loves you." God's commitment keeping, abounding love flows from who he is. When understood and received this love transforms you and your relationships.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2019
Awed By His Patience
Jesse Wilson
Exodus 34:6
What if God was quick to anger? We are repeatedly shown the patience of God throughout the Bible, and this could have a surprising effect on the type of lifestyle we live.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2019
Awed By His Mercy & Grace
Tim Klassen
Exodus 34:1-7
The magnitude of God’s glory is revealed in his life changing mercy and grace.
September 15, 2019
Awed By His Name
Tim Klassen
Exodus 34:1-7
The glory of God’s goodness is clearly seen in the revelation of his name.
September 8, 2019
Volume at Maximum
Jesse Wilson
Exodus 33:18-23
In one of the most vivid scenes of the Old Testament, we are given a powerful picture of the intense glory and radical grace of God. What do we do with this?
September 1, 2019
The Presence
Tim Klassen
Exodus 33:1-17
The means and the goal of Christian faith is God’s amazing presence. To know God and be in a right relationship with him is the point.