ministries kids

Welcome to CHC Kids!

Our Kids Ministry is deeply passionate about caring for kids, teaching them about Jesus, and engaging with families. We desire Sundays to be a space where all kids can feel welcomed, are able to ask big questions, and experience the love of Jesus through their leaders and what they are learning. From a place of learning, our prayer is that from a young age, kids desire a personal relationship with Jesus and grow in their ability to shine that light wherever they go.

Want to take part in this? Join us on Sundays at 10:00am! 

For what to expect on a Sunday morning, and to read about some of the changes for Nursery & Preschool this fall, click here!  



Kids Church Online - Kids Church Online and resources are posted weekly here! Just scroll down under the weekends message and you'll find the kids video packages, memory verses and a new Spotify playlist each month.

  new kids on the block

New to Central Heights?
Come for a snack right after the service (see dates below)
with your kids to meet some other new, young families
and get more connected with our community!

Upcoming dates:
February 2, April 6



family serviceWe as a church believe in celebrating the family of God that we have all been saved into. This is why on February 16th, we are going to have a family service! This service is designed so everyone, kids all the way to seniors, can be engaged in all elements of the service. The Nursery and family room will still be available to those who would need it. We can't wait to celebrate together! 



family dedication   

contact uskids fbkids insta    


kids at chc