media sunday teaching series

June 9, 2024 

Without Hesitation
2 Kings 2:1-15
David Morelli

To live a life of power and purpose is about more than agreeing with God and his teaching.
It’s about investing your life in what ultimately matters, without hesitation.


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June 2, 2024 

God Speaks to Elijah 
1 Kings 19:9-18
Rushia Klassen 

Elijah's journey of faith and obedience to God is full of miracles and even personal struggle. His encounter with God reminds us the power of God is shown in many forms. 


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maY 26, 2024 

Weakness is the Way 
1 Kings 19:1-9
David Morelli  

When Elijah hits rock bottom and has had enough, it’s easy to think God’s presence and power will be absent. We couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, it is Elijah’s humanity and weakness that invites God’s power to come once again.


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maY 19, 2024 

The War of God 
1 Kings 18:36-46
Nathan Archer 

On Pentecost Sunday, we often ask for the fire of God to fall down. More realistically, we want the rain of God to fall down; we often don't want the fire. As Elijah's time on Mount Carmel comes to a close, we'll see that we need both. In fact, the fire of God leads to the rain of God; the destructive, cleansing power of God leads to the blessing of God.


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maY 12, 2024 

Light the Fire 
1 Kings 18:17-39
David Morelli

Everybody worships. The question is: who or what has our worship? As we return to the contest on Mount Carmel, we’ll see that the fire of worship is lit when we pay attention to the altars in our lives.


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maY 5, 2024 

Rebuilding What's Been Ruined
1 Kings 18:17-39
David Morelli

Jesus said he came to give us ‘life to the full. Yet so many people feel a gap between this and what they experience in their everyday lives. In this story from the life of Elijah we see one way to close the gap and experience the power of God in our lives.

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April 28, 2024 

Becoming Lions 
1 Kings 18:1-16 
David Morelli

Between the wilderness and the mountaintop experiences of life is often a long and ordinary road. Not much seems to be happening but in this part of Elijah’s story, we see something different: with every ‘yes’ we give to God, we are led closer to what he has in mind for us. 

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April 21, 2024 

The Wilderness is Never Wasted
1 Kings 17:7-24 
David Morelli

How do ordinary people experience God’s extraordinary power? This question will guide our new teaching series on the life of the ancient prophet Elijah, with the goal of embracing our humanity and becoming the kind of people who experience the power of God.

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April 14, 2024 

The Wilderness Pattern
1 Kings 17:1-6 
Nathan Archer 

Elijah, though a human just like us, was a vessel of extraordinary power. As we begin this new series, we consider a consistent pattern that emerges when God does great works: He takes people into the wilderness.

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APRIL 7, 2024

Today's message was shared with us by a guest speaker, Anne Miranda. You can find the message here.