welcome get to know us

Every church has its own unique story. 

In 1950, 225 people met together, sharing their lives and their own stories with a bigger purpose to live out and share the story of Jesus in their city and around the world.  Central Heights Church was born.

Now, in 2024, that good news story of what God has done in Jesus continues to be central to our church culture.

We believe that nothing is better than knowing and following Jesus in every one of the 168 hours in our week.

This is why we're committed to engage, equip, and empower people to follow Jesus, not just on Sunday, but every day.

As this happens our dream is that we would see the Holy Spirit transform us into a movement of more and growing followers of Jesus, developing healthy churches, for the glory of God and the flourishing of our city and the world.

We’d love for your story to intersect God’s story at Central Heights.

And, in the process, perhaps become a better story than you ever imagined.


Some helpful starting points (click on buttons below):