ministries women


Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Psalm 105:1

April 25-27, 2025 

at Timberline Ranch, Maple Ridge BC

Begins Friday at 7pm and ends on Sunday at 1pm

Sessions will include times of worship, testimonies, and sessions with guest speaker Grace Fox.
Between sessions there will be lots of activities
to choose from including horseback riding, archery,
rock climbing, indoor and outdoor games,
hiking, crafts, and much more.

Women's Retreat 2025

Grace Fox is the award-winning author of 15 books including “Names of God: Living Unafraid.”
She’s a popular Bible teacher at international women’s events, a member of the “First 5” Bible study writing team (Proverbs 31 Ministries), and an annual contributor to the Mornings with Jesus 365-day devotional published by Guideposts. Grace has been a career missionary for more than 30 years. She and her husband co-direct
International Messengers Canada, a missionary sending agency with 300 staff in more than 25 countries. They currently live fulltime aboard a sailboat in Vancouver, British Columbia. Married in 1982, they celebrate three grown kids and 14 grandchildren.
Number of countries travelled to: 20
Favorite place to connect with God: Aboard my sailboat-home, anchored in a quiet cove somewhere along our beautiful BC coast.


Option for Saturday only: $130

Registration form is at the bottom of this page.

 Deadline for registration April 11

Register below.

Be sure to fill out this WAIVER and either return it to or bring it to the church office.



*Denotes Required Field

Note that at the end of this form you will be taken to a payment page. You are only able to pay by credit card on this site. You may still fill out this online form without proceeding with payment if you would rather pay by cash or cheque. However, your registration will not be valid until payment is received.


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ACTIVITIES (optional):

Check the box by each activity you are interested in participating in.



Timberline cannot accommodate all dietary restrictions/preferences, but they will provide vegetarian/gluten free options.


We will be staying in cabins that sleep 12. 

There is an option to join us for the day on Saturday, and not stay overnight. The cost for this is $130. Check the box below for this option.


Are there 1 or 2 ladies you would like to stay in a cabin with? (We will do our best to accommodate these requests). If so, please fill in their name(s) below.

WAIVER NEEDED! After you submit your registration form, please be sure you have downloaded the waiver (see link above this form) and sent it to


To complete your registration, you will be taken to our payment page.

Your fee for the retreat is: $200 until March 8, then $220 after March 8

$130 Saturday only

If you plan on Horseback Riding, add $30 to secure your spot

You will need to enter the amount on the next screen. If you checked off that you want to donate money (any amount) for another woman to attend, please add that to your total.

On the payment screen you will also need to fill out your billing information.